Infobureau Infobureau

The people do not bow to threats and blackmail!

This threat to cut federal funding to all public and subsidized private education is a direct assault on the political expression of working-class students and families.

This administration has given nearly $12 billion to Israel in just six weeks since the start of the term. Trump and his regime are moving proactively here to undermine the resurgence of a spontaneous upsurge before it breaks out.

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Infobureau Infobureau

Partial amnesty for Leonard Peltier is insufficient, belated scramble to appeal to masses

On the last full day of his presidency, Joe Biden granted partial amnesty for Leonard Peltier, a political prisoner who has so far served 46 years of his unjust two consecutive life sentences. It is imperative to stress that Peltier is not granted full clemency, he is simply remanded to house arrest for the remainder of his life. A rare breach in the merciless, ironclad face of the bourgeois legal apparatus, but ultimately characteristic of the Biden presidency: The art of the delayed half-measure. It is a consolation to the oppressed, before the shambling state rears up again for sweeping repression and intensified exploitation under the Trump administration.

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Infobureau Infobureau

On the dawn of Trump’s second term, U.S. in crisis, the future is now!

The American Party of Labor declares that problems of the U.S. in crisis and the ongoing process of fascistization merit only radical solutions. We are fighting and will continue to fight these fascist measures in our communities and nationally, and we invite you to join us in that fight! We call upon all democratic, progressive, popular, and revolutionary-minded in individuals and organizations to join the struggle to save and extend what few political rights we have, to protect the most vulnerable among us, and to build a future without poverty, hunger, and exploitation.

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Infobureau Infobureau

A New Year's message from the heart

Many, the usual types, are greeting 2025 in a mood of despondency and despair. A second Trump administration fills them fear with and anxiety. In response, they are falling back on the same old strategies and slogans that failed to defeat Trump in 2016 and failed to prevent his return in 2024. Others, not as usual, but perhaps becoming more and more common, have drawn the wrong conclusion from the ajusticiamiento of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

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Infobureau Infobureau

American Party of Labor admitted into ICMLPO

The American Party of Labor is proud and humbled to announce its promotion to full membership within the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO). The decision was made by a unanimous vote among the delegates of over 20 member organizations from around the world at the 2024 plenary of the Conference.

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Infobureau Infobureau

Trump wins; we fight on, harder than ever!

Trump’s re-election is yet another step towards open barbarism and the institutionalization of a reactionary form of politics representative of the general decline of the American capitalist system. Trump’s victory opens a new period of potential violence against minorities, women, all marginalized peoples, and the working class at large, necessitating the organization of immediate resistance.

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Infobureau Infobureau

One Year On, Resist the Genocide and the Brutal Zionist Invasion

The Zionist invasion of Lebanon is a criminal war of aggression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in the service of imperialism. This attack is a war crime that must be condemned by all the peoples of the world. Despite statements from the bourgeois ruling politicians in the U.S. that a broader regional war would be avoided, they have once again proven themselves to be genocidal liars. Just as the U.S. Government claimed they would prevent Israel from a ground invasion of Rafah, yet continued arming Israel as they bombed refugee camp after refugee camp, the U.S. imperialists will continue to send billions of dollars of aid to Israel for Zionist expansion into Lebanon. Our rulers blatantly display their own hypocrisy and their true pro-war interests when they make braggadocious proclamations as Kamala Harris did at the 2024 Democratic National Convention: “As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.”

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Infobureau Infobureau

ICMLPO: Final declaration of the XXVIII International Seminar, Problems of the Revolution in Latin America

A little more than thirty years have passed since the so-called Cold War came to an end, and the world is experiencing a conflict-ridden moment due to the exacerbation of contradictions between the imperialist powers, who continue to fan the danger of a new world conflagration. The seriousness of the current scenario is due to the depth and breadth of the problems that arise, to the forces and factors that act on the world stage, and to the serious implications that, in the future, can increase the current problems. But, at the same time, it is a period in which there is a rise in the struggle and rebellion of the workers, youth, women, peasants, peoples, and indigenous people, who –facing the governments’ anti-popular plans– demand their rights and condemn authoritarian and warmongering policies.

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Infobureau Infobureau

ICMLPO: Declaration of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America

We, the Latin American parties of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), held a productive meeting in which we analyzed the economic, political and social scenarios unfolding in the region; we evaluated our revolutionary political activity in each of our countries; and, we defined our activities for the immediate future:

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Infobureau Infobureau

European elections: The crisis of the system is visible!

The inflexible struggle to defend economic and politic interests of the working class must be at the center of our work… In this work, it is becoming clear to more and more people that the capitalist-imperialist system is no longer capable of progress, that it offers no prospects – except crisis, poverty and war. This also makes it clear that we have to fight for every millimeter of positive change for the working class, that we must reinforce our Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, in order to advance in the fight to abolish this system and replace it with a socialist society.

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Infobureau Infobureau

To resist imperialism is to resist Great Power Chauvinism

There has of late been a disturbing tendency in some circles calling themselves “anti-imperialists” to couch their supposed opposition to imperialism using the rhetoric and iconography of imperialism itself… The language and optics of imperialism is just that – imperialist – and the attempt to color anti-imperialism in shades of red, white, and blue is at best wrong-headed, and at worst vicious hypocrisy; ignorant, hypocritical, and perhaps a cover for something far more sinister.

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Infobureau Infobureau

CIPOML: Long live May Day, the day of unity, solidarity and struggle!

Our day of solidarity and struggle, when we will test our strength to unite against the exploitation, impositions, and attacks of the international bourgeoisie and imperialism… Since the 1st of May 2023, we have raised our flags of struggle higher by growing our unity and strengthening our solidarity in our strikes and acts of resistance in almost all countries.

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Infobureau Infobureau

Success at the Fifth Congress of the American Party of Labor

On Sunday, March 31, 2024, the American Party of Labor successfully concluded its Fifth General Congress. Delegates from all around the country as well as local activists gathered in a union hall in Orlando, Florida, draped in red flags with images of the Party’s grain and gear symbol, to vote on measures to improve the Party’s internal structure and external organization and to revise the Party’s guiding documents.

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June V June V

American Party of Labor statement on Iran’s defense against Israel

On April 1, Israeli warplanes bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, killing seven Iranian diplomatic and military personnel. This attack was a blatant violation of Iran’s national sovereignty, and under international law constitutes an act of war. Twelve days later, Iran launched retaliatory drone strikes against Israeli targets.

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Infobureau Infobureau

International Working Women’s Day: A Revolutionary History, A Liberated Future!

The official “theme” of the UN for this year’s IWWD is titled, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,” which is not only brazenly capitalistic but also shamefully ignores what is arguably the most pressing and immediate concern for women internationally at this time: the ongoing genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel and its imperialist allies. The UN itself has acknowledged that two-thirds of the people killed in Palestine since Oct. 7 have been women and children. The most recent reported toll of the approximately 30,000 confirmed deaths includes at least 12,660 children and 8,570 women.

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Infobureau Infobureau

Honor Aaron Bushnell’s sacrifice: Organize and resist!

The American Party of Labor calls on all members of the US military, in Bushnell’s memory, to stand up against the atrocities being committed in Palestine and around the world by refusing to be part of the imperialist war machine. To be conscientious objectors, to launch a soldier’s strike, to put down your guns, and to prevent arms shipments are the best ways to honor and respect our comrade’s pain and sacrifice.

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June V June V

American Party of Labor joins Resist US-Led War Movement

The Resist US-Led War Movement is an international network of democratic, progressive, and anti-war organizations and individuals committed to opposing US imperialism and its ward of aggression. The Resist US-Led War Movement combats militarism and imperialist war; demands an end to Zionism, apartheid, and all forms of systemic racism; and supports the rights of all peoples to self-determination, sovereignty, and peace.

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June V June V

All monopolies and the imperialists are the enemies of the peoples

The bloody conflicts all over the world re-emphasize every day the importance and urgency of raising the flags of struggle against imperialism. The working class and peoples of the world must shoulder this struggle, because the imperialists are directly attacking the working class and peoples in order to plunder the underground and above-ground riches.

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