Appeal for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s death

On the occasion of the centenary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s death, which falls on Jan. 21, 2024, the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML) believes it is necessary for communists and revolutionaries around the world to develop commemorative actions in defense of Marxist theory and Leninism.

Capitalism, whose foundations and evolution have been masterfully explained by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, in its monopoly phase can only be properly fought in the light of Leninist theory on imperialism. As we continue to live in the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution, the month of January and the entire year of 2024 present a special opportunity to spread Lenin’s imperishable theoretical and political legacy among the new generations.

The contributions of Lenin, master and leader of the international working class, are irreplaceable, especially in a convulsive world such as the one we live in today. The deepening general crisis of the capitalist system is accompanied by clashes, agreements and disagreements among the imperialist powers vying for control of territories, resources and geostrategic zones in every corner of the world.

Indeed, the dispute between the imperialist countries in their efforts for a new partition is becoming more and more frontal and violent in light of the great changes that have taken place in the last decades of the last century and in the current 21st century.

Facing the challenges of today’s world and considering the levels of development and tasks of Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations, it is urgent to follow Lenin’s thought and legacy.

The thinker and theorist, the militant consistent in revolutionary principles and uncompromising against the traitors and opportunists of the “left” as well as the right; the hard-working and daring political leader who, in tune with the course of processes, whether in conditions of rise or ebb, identified the main aspect of the fundamental contradiction in each situation, to derive from it the orientations and tasks that corresponded to resist and advance the cause of the revolution. A versatility and flexibility always confronted with practice, devoid of any hint of dogma or extremism. An inexhaustible wealth of experiences and teachings is condensed in the life and work of this universal titan of the proletariat and the ideals of socialism and communism.

On the centenary of his death, we continue to strive for revolution and socialism in our respective countries, because today as yesterday the general crisis of the capitalist system confirms the validity of the October Revolution, Lenin, and his legacy.

Coordinating Committee of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML)


American Party of Labor joins Resist US-Led War Movement


All monopolies and the imperialists are the enemies of the peoples