CIPOML stands by the Palestinian resistance. We support the resistance!
Resistance against Israeli apartheid and the aggression against Palestine and the Palestinian people can only be supported. Condemning Israel and its aggression and massacres, CIPOML supports the just resistance of the Palestinian people to the end.
Clearing the air on infantile U.S. gun culture: Marx revisited
There is one more subject concerning firearms that we as a Party would like to address at this time: a specific quote from Karl Marx which many people within US socialist and communist circles use to justify lax gun regulations across the country. If you have been around the socialist and communist movement for some time you have probably seen or heard people use the phrase “under no pretext” in opposition to the idea of instituting regulations on the sales and purchases of firearms within the US. This slogan, “under no pretext,” which is itself not an analysis of the firearm crisis faced in the US, is a shorthand version of an excerpt from Karl Marx’s Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League, written in 1850.
The anti-Marxist nature of Queer-Antagonistic Revisionism
Any attempt to identify a single gender dynamic from any point in the history of human societies as a universal and immutable definition of gender is a metaphysical and anti-dialectical notion, the most covert of denials to the Marxist-Leninist world outlook. As social relations continue to develop so will our understanding and conceptions of ourselves in relation to our engagement with each other and the material world. The opportunism of queer-antagonistic revisionism is an open betrayal to the working class of all backgrounds.
The continued danger and tragedy of America’s gun violence
The United States, which has gun culture intertwined within it, is going through a turbulent period of economic instability which has led to the intensification of the alienation people experience and feel within American society. This same alienation as well as the reactionary fervor of certain segments within the American capitalist class has led to an increase and growth in far-right politics within the US. This growth in the far-right mixed with the current gun culture has led to an increase in right-wing violence, including mass shootings like the one that recently occurred in Allen, Texas.
May 1 Manifesto: Let’s unite the struggles for wages to the fight for social revolution
By the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML) Coordinating Committee. Only the proletarian revolution will put an end to capitalist exploitation! Only workers’ power will emancipate all humanity!
National Call to Defend Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming People
The American Party of Labor sees these efforts by reactionary and growing fascist forces within the US as posing an ongoing and direct danger to the health and livelihood of the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities as well as others in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Elections 2022: Workers Vote For Progressive Ballot Measures While Congress Stagnates
Unlike the Democratic Party, the working class is not resting on its laurels, and activists and organizations must not let up. The meager, regional gains of individual states and the meek promises of the political players of the “Democratic” party cannot meaningfully repair the foundation of exploitation that props up the United States’ sociopolitical-economic edifice.
On “Patriotic Socialism” and “MAGA Communism”
"'Patriotic Socialism' and 'MAGA Communism' serve the most backward and authoritarian elements of the ruling class"
This Labor Day, Celebrate the Resurgent Union Movement’s Victories Against Pandemic Capitalism
We look to our emerging working class leaders in our locals and nationally. In the face of increasing attacks on immigrants and our unions, we say emphatically that, in the words of David C. Coates, radical union labor organizer: “An Injury to One is an Injury to All.”
APL: Dismantle the Anti-LGBTQIA+ Stigma Around Monkeypox!
The LGBTQIA+ Commission of the American Party of Labor finds it necessary to promote scientific and factual information concerning the Monkeypox virus and by doing so break down the negative stigma that is being constructed against the LGBTQIA+ community in this time of crisis.
ICMLPO: We Support the Struggle of the People of Sri Lanka
Those who have dragged Sri Lanka into an economic and political quagmire cannot save the country. The programmes they will present as prescriptions for "salvation" can only further impoverish the people and condemn them to hunger, and consolidate the political domination of the bourgeoisie.
Seattle APL on Roe V. Wade: “Look To Your Comrades and Community”
The following was a speech given by members of the Pacific Northwest Division of the American Party of Labor at the 6/24 demonstration in defense of abortion rights in Seattle. To organize with them, contact them on facebook, twitter, or instagram.
Final Declaration of the XXVII Plenary Session of the ICMLPO
The American Party of Labor attended the XXVII Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations in the Dominican Republic, and signed its final declaration, presented below.
APL on Roe V. Wade: Defend Our Communities From Organized Reaction
We know the right will continue to attack the rights of working people, and it falls on us to no longer settle for reformist diversions, and fight for a world in which every person has total control of their destiny.
The History and Meaning of May Day
On May Day, we shed the Reaganite mythos of the corrupt, criminal, and impotent union, and stand proudly beside our union brothers and sisters. We unearth the history of American Communists, civil rights leaders, suffragettes, radical musicians, poets, painters, and writers, who have been thrown in the dustbin of history by triumphalist capitalist historical narratives, or gentrified by the liberal establishment. We march together, across the wide spectrum of left ideologies, arm in arm, if only for the day.
American Party of Labor: We Reject Biden and Putin's War
The American Party of Labor firmly and emphatically rejects the war moves of both Biden and Putin. We are not deceived by Biden’s hypocrisy and sanctimony. Neither are we taken in by Putin’s chauvinistic claims the Ukraine is “historically Russian land.”
APL on 2021: With Paralysis at the Top, Working Class Movements Rising to the Task
This new year, let’s continue to organize with like-minded forces for peace and democracy, and build an internationalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-fascist working class alternative across the country, in our hometowns.
Gender, Gender Roles, and the Unity of the Working Class
The American Party of Labor stresses the importance of solidarity and unity of all strata of the working class, building towards a mass movement which alone can resolve the crises of capitalism.
APL Statement on the Rittenhouse Ruling: Enough is Enough
The American Party of Labor, alongside all progressive forces in the United States, condemns the outrageous acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse for the murder of two people and the wounding of another fighting for justice in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The entire nation saw the open miscarriage of justice conducted by the Wisconsin courts, and the obvious bias of judge Bruce Schroeder, the face of calcified racist American “justice.”