Statement, News Infobureau Statement, News Infobureau

Elections 2022: Workers Vote For Progressive Ballot Measures While Congress Stagnates

Unlike the Democratic Party, the working class is not resting on its laurels, and activists and organizations must not let up. The meager, regional gains of individual states and the meek promises of the political players of the “Democratic” party cannot meaningfully repair the foundation of exploitation that props up the United States’ sociopolitical-economic edifice.

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Statement, News Infobureau Statement, News Infobureau

The History and Meaning of May Day

On May Day, we shed the Reaganite mythos of the corrupt, criminal, and impotent union, and stand proudly beside our union brothers and sisters. We unearth the history of American Communists, civil rights leaders, suffragettes, radical musicians, poets, painters, and writers, who have been thrown in the dustbin of history by triumphalist capitalist historical narratives, or gentrified by the liberal establishment. We march together, across the wide spectrum of left ideologies, arm in arm, if only for the day.

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Statement Infobureau Statement Infobureau

APL Statement on the Rittenhouse Ruling: Enough is Enough

The American Party of Labor, alongside all progressive forces in the United States, condemns the outrageous acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse for the murder of two people and the wounding of another fighting for justice in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The entire nation saw the open miscarriage of justice conducted by the Wisconsin courts, and the obvious bias of judge Bruce Schroeder, the face of calcified racist American “justice.”

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Statement Infobureau Statement Infobureau

APL LGBTQIA+ Commission: Vigilance Against the Vanguard of Reaction!

Until this system is destroyed, however, it falls on us to let our discontent be known to the monsters who decide our law. It falls on us to show the world our anger in the face of these bills, and even the reality that they would be considered. It falls on us to dismantle this system, because as it stands, those who control it now would see you or the queer folk in your community that you love be husks of their true selves.

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Statement Infobureau Statement Infobureau

From the APL Women’s Commission: COVID-19 And Pregnancy

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we think about our personal health and safety. Research articles into the acute effects of COVID-19 are coming out every month, and new investigatory focus has largely shifted to the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection. However, a large gap in the literature remains: impact of COVID-19 infection on pregnant people

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Statement Infobureau Statement Infobureau

Final Declaration of the XXV International Seminar on the Problems of the Revolution in Latin America

A new period of the rise in the struggle of workers, youth and peoples is taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are battles that express the dissatisfaction with the living conditions imposed by the capitalist-imperialist system; they are struggles against a series of accumulated socio-economic problems, which are growing as the policies of the governments are implemented, which do nothing but guarantee and raise the rates of profit obtained by the ruling classes, at the cost of greater levels of exploitation and oppression of the working masses and peoples.

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