APL LGBTQIA+ Commission: Vigilance Against the Vanguard of Reaction!
Until this system is destroyed, however, it falls on us to let our discontent be known to the monsters who decide our law. It falls on us to show the world our anger in the face of these bills, and even the reality that they would be considered. It falls on us to dismantle this system, because as it stands, those who control it now would see you or the queer folk in your community that you love be husks of their true selves.
From the APL Women’s Commission: COVID-19 And Pregnancy
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we think about our personal health and safety. Research articles into the acute effects of COVID-19 are coming out every month, and new investigatory focus has largely shifted to the long-term effects of COVID-19 infection. However, a large gap in the literature remains: impact of COVID-19 infection on pregnant people
ICMLPO: What Is Happening in Afghanistan Proves Once Again That the Imperialists Cannot Be Trusted
The Afghan people are facing an ultra-reactionary confessional government; the fight for the rights of the workers, women and children is a fundamental demand; despite the fact that the Taliban say they will respect the rights of the population, particularly women, facts have already shown otherwise. The struggle of this people to achieve social and national emancipation today has bread, freedom and democracy as important banners of struggle.
APL: Afghanistan and the Task of Working Class Activists in the United States
An internationalist, anti-imperialist socialist movement in the US cannot be built by upholding social imperialism and theological oppression.
APL: On the 75 Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima
On the 76th anniversary of the bombing of #Hiroshima, we continue to condemn the US use of nuclear weapons on civilians to ward off "the spread of communism" with the Soviet entry into the war.
Final Declaration of the XXV International Seminar on the Problems of the Revolution in Latin America
A new period of the rise in the struggle of workers, youth and peoples is taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean. These are battles that express the dissatisfaction with the living conditions imposed by the capitalist-imperialist system; they are struggles against a series of accumulated socio-economic problems, which are growing as the policies of the governments are implemented, which do nothing but guarantee and raise the rates of profit obtained by the ruling classes, at the cost of greater levels of exploitation and oppression of the working masses and peoples.
APL Presentation at the 25th SIPRAL: The United States—An Empire in Crisis
But our duty is clear. We are in the belly of the beast and hold a great responsibility because of it. We have continued to stand and grow and we will continue to do so. Not simply for our sakes but for those of the world who are ground under the boot US imperialism.
A Socialist Autopsy on Biden’s First Hundred Days
The first 100 days have shown us what a Biden presidency will look like—abandoned promises, and the continuing separation of American political life from the desires of working people.
ICMLPO Condemns the War Against the Palestinian People
The ICMLPO, while strongly condemning the war on the Palestinian people, is addressing the world’s working class, its parties and mass organizations, all peoples of the world to rise up against Zionist barbarism and demand an immediate end of this war and express your support for their just cause.
ICMLPO: Solidarity With the Colombian People
We denounce that the most reactionary sectors of the Colombian State: Uribe, Duque, the heads of the military and police forces look at social protest and its actors as war actions, as events that seek to “destabilize power and put an end to democracy”, under that logic they have responded with viciousness and hatred to the demands of the people. The forces of law and order are in a state of war against the people, which we repudiate and call for its condemnation throughout the world.
Members of the APL: What May Day Means to Us
Members of the American Party of Labor wrote to the Red Phoenix to tell us what May Day means to them, in the belly of the imperialist beast.
The Meaning of May Day
On May Day, we shed the Reaganite mythos of the corrupt, criminal, and impotent union, and stand proudly beside our union brothers and sisters. We unearth the history of American Communists, civil rights leaders, suffragettes, radical musicians, poets, painters, and writers, who have been thrown in the dustbin of history by triumphalist capitalist historical narratives, or gentrified by the liberal establishment. We march together, across the wide spectrum of left ideologies, arm in arm, if only for the day.
On Lenin’s Birthday: Why Marxism-Leninism in the 21st Century US?
Wherever resistance movements struggle against imperialism, wherever communities buckle under the weight of police violence and gentrification, wherever a democrat tells the people to wait for educations, jobs, and housing, and wherever a social democrat claims a cop can lead a revolution, we say emphatically: Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live.
American Party of Labor Statement on the Chauvin Ruling
When the people rise up, the ruling class has no choice but to submit. While we won justice today, we will never stop fighting until we have made a society in which George Floyd would be alive and well with his daughter, who correctly and famously said that her father “changed the world.”
Communist Platform (Italy): A Year of Pandemic, Economic and Social Crisis in Italy
The situation will open opportunities for the communists that demand the necessity of the revolutionary way out of the crisis of the imperialist-capitalist system, the revolutionary passage to socialism in order to abolish exploitation and economic crises, to prevent and manage the pandemics and develop the economy in equilibrium with nature.
Dominican Communist Workers Party: The Revolution Continues to be a Problem That Awaits a Solution
Capitalism is once again in a crisis phase. In general, it is a historical context of revolution. Because there is the “law of the non-correspondence between the development of the productive forces and the social relations of production,” revealed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. But it is only within a historical context, that the task of the revolution must be properly dealt with.
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador: Message on the End of the Electoral Campaign
We Marxist-Leninists, revolutionaries, must adequately interpret the current situation that demands that the task that cannot be postponed for the construction of the most solid unity of the workers and popular sectors in order to organize and demand from the new government the proposals and offers formulated in the campaign. This will undoubtedly open up for the popular movement and its organizations a new political situation that allows its strengthening and consolidation, in pursuit of the free and sovereign Ecuador, for which we fight!
On This Trans Day of Visibility, Fight for Revolution!
On this #TransDayOfVisibility, the American Party of Labor sends its firmest solidarity to our trans comrades, members, and friends, and to those struggling under prejudice, violence, poverty, and isolation because of their identity.
NYPD Hunts Homeless on Huge Budget
Video from the APL NYC Marcantonio Division, highlighting police abuse of the homeless.
Happy Newroz! Newroz Pîroz bê!
Newroz is a celebration of the New Year, and with it new beginnings. We wish new and bright beginnings for workers and oppressed peoples of the Middle East for a just future.