All monopolies and the imperialists are the enemies of the peoples

International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML)

The bloody conflicts all over the world re-emphasize every day the importance and urgency of raising the flags of struggle against imperialism. The working class and peoples of the world must shoulder this struggle, because the imperialists are directly attacking the working class and peoples in order to plunder the underground and above-ground riches. In addition to the “trade wars” and the gigantic increases in their mutual armaments and war budgets, the expansion of NATO, for example, and the war in Ukraine, in reality between Russia and US imperialism and its allies and NATO, are manifestations of the struggle between the imperialists, which has sharpened in recent years. As the imperialists are in conflict with each other in Africa and the Mediterranean, the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israeli Zionism, which is directly supported by the USA and its allies in every aspect, is also linked to the conflict between the imperialists. Israel, by completely expelling the Palestinian people from their land or genociding them, is undertaking the task of being the battering ram of the new “Economic Corridor” that will pass through the Saudis and Palestinian lands and extend from India to Germany as a rival to China’s Belt and Road project.

Obviously, the increasingly sharpening contradictions between the imperialists and their effects on the international working class and peoples necessitate the strengthening of the anti-imperialist struggle on a world scale. Therefore, starting with the organized revolutionary forces, it is imperative to increase the understanding and alertness of the proletariat and the peoples of the world regarding the current international situation and inter-imperialist contradictions and conflicts.

Capitalism did not become static and unchanging at the beginning of the last century when it reached its imperialist stage, which Lenin characterized by five fundamental features. The division of the world between different imperialist centers that dominate by political and economic means is far from complete. Since then, the imperialist states, which have developed by leaps and bounds at an unequal pace, have been redividing the world among themselves again and again. For this purpose, they have waged wars and turned the world into a bloodbath with two great imperialist wars and numerous local and regional wars.

Despite a certain decline, the United States is still the world’s greatest economic and military power and the most aggressive imperialist, leading NATO and its various alliances with Britain, Japan, Australia and the European imperialists. As rivals, it faces Russia and China, which is developing rapidly with a renewed material technical basis for its industry. The fact that the US is still the world’s greatest power does not mean that other powers are not engaged in a redivision of the world in order to realize their hegemony.

Although China has not yet militarily invaded any country, it is continuing its economic expansion on all continents, gaining international influence and becoming a real rival that threatens US hegemony on a world scale. By attacking Ukraine, Russia has proved that it is capable of fighting to defend its interests and possessions, even if its worldwide influence remains relatively limited.

There is not a good and helpful imperialist. All imperialisms represent the domination and interests of finance capital; they exist on the basis of the gratuitous appropriation of labor and the plunder and oppression of the wealth of the peoples. Imperialism is inherent in exploitation and violence.

Our conference is determined to improve the understanding of the exploitative, predatory and tyrannical character of imperialism.

The imperialist character of China and Russia is either denied or recognized as imperialist.

Our conference considers it its duty to neutralize the unscientific positions that either deny the imperialist character of China and Russia or, while admitting them as imperialist, define them as pro-humanitarian, friendly to the peoples, peaceful powers and consider only the USA and its allies and NATO as “enemies.” Those who aim at the establishment of a “multipolar” world, claiming that the USA and NATO are the only enemies of the peoples, as if today is “unipolar” and the imperialists are not fighting to redivide the world, spread the dream that one can fight against US imperialism by relying on Russian and Chinese imperialism. However, one cannot fight against one imperialist by leaning to another! The so-called struggle against a certain imperialist, which does not target imperialist-capitalism, cannot have any content other than being a tool of the imperialists who are rivals of the imperialist allegedly targeted.

As much as it is necessary to fight against the stooges of imperialism who try to confuse the peoples’ friends and enemies, it is also necessary to build a real and broad anti-imperialist front of struggle for democracy and independence, for social and national liberation. The main imperialists to be targeted in individual countries may be different, but a real anti-imperialist front must target all imperialists and their collaborators.

On the other hand, the world working class cannot, of course, be content with the struggle against imperialism alone. The end of the rule of the bourgeoisie and the liquidation of the capitalist system based on exploitation are indispensable for the liberation of the working class. The struggle against imperialism and its collaborators is a struggle for the organization of the working class as a ruling class, with the victory of the proletarian revolution.

We call the workers and the peoples of the world to fight against all the imperialists!

Liberation from the imperialist domination should be the liberation from the rules of bourgeoisie!

All proletariat and oppressed nations of the world, unite!


Appeal for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s death


CIPOML stands by the Palestinian resistance. We support the resistance!